Do you love to travel? Most people do, seeing as we get to experience new and amazing things in different parts of the world. For a lot of people, the feeling of adventure is quite addictive, and there’s a lot you can learn about life and its meaning by meeting new people and partaking in different cultures.
That feeling is something a lot of people chase, seeing as feeling like a true adventurer makes life a lot more fun and purposeful! But how do you travel like a ‘real’ adventurer in a world filled with airplanes, pre booked tours, and plenty of convenience? It’s all about where you go and what you soak up while you’re there.
Go Somewhere Wild
If you want to adventure, make sure you go somewhere that’s a little more wild than your usual haunts. For example, if you usually frequent resorts and like to relax by the poolside, it’s time to put on shorts you can hike in and head through the woods!
Of course, if you’re going to vacation somewhere more wild than you’re used to, make sure you choose your season right and pack the correct items. The best time to go to galapagos is outside of the rainy season, and the best time to go to Hawaii is in the late summer. This way you won’t get washed or burnt out by bad weather and you’re less likely to be eaten alive by bitey bugs in the middle of the night!
Talk to the Locals
Talking to the locals is common when you’re on your travels. After all, you need to stop and ask for directions from time to time, and it’s easy to make some pleasant comments to people you meet in restaurants and cafes. However, why not sit down with a local or two and have a proper conversation with them?
This way you’re more likely to make a new friend, find out tips and tricks about traveling throughout the town or city, and you may even get invited over for drinks or dinner! You could very well find yourself a home away from home by doing so, and you can keep in touch with your new connections to stay up to date after you head back home again.
Write a Travel Diary
A travel diary will make you feel like an adventurer of old! The image of an intrepid explorer writing down everything they see and do in their new location is a very attractive one, so why not start a travel diary of your own?
Write about what you get up to, where you’ve been, who you’ve met, and what you plan to do tomorrow. Keep a separate diary for each new adventure and record each trip in detail – you’ll soon come to feel much more like an experienced traveler.
If you want to capture the true spirit of adventure while on a trip, try out the tips above and see if they help.